序号 | 第一 作者 |
论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 发表时间 | 检索 类型 |
1 | 翟莉 | Bi-directional h-index: A new measure of node centrality in weighted and directed networks | Journal of Informetrics | 2018.02 | SSCI |
2 | 贾博婷 | On pseudospectral radii of operators on Hilbert spaces | Annals of Functional Analysis | 2018.11 | SCI |
3 | 贾博婷 | Weyl Type Theorems Under Compact Perturbations | Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics | 2018.02 | SCI |
4 | 祝志川 | A modified homotopy method for solving the principal-agent bilevel programming problem | Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2018.01 | SCI |
5 | 邢艳春 | Conditional mix-GEE models for longitudinal data with unspecified random effects distributions | Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods | 2017.12 | SCI |
6 | 祝志川 | A modified infeasible homotopy algorithm for computing fixed point in general non-convex set | Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications | 2017.11 | SCI |
7 | 祝志川 | A modified constraint shifting homotopy method for solving general nonlinear multiobjective programming | Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications | 2017.09 | SCI |
8 | 祝志川 | A globally convergent method for computing the fixed point of self-mapping on general nonconvex set | Journal of Nonlinear and convex analysis | 2017.06 | SCI |
9 | 孟丽新 | Global energy solutions to a stochastic Schrodinger-Poisson system with multiplicative noise in two dimensions | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2017.05 | SCI |
10 | 祝志川 | A modified iterative algorithm for finding a common element in Hilbert space | Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications | 2017.01 | SCI |
11 | 祝志川 | A constraint shifting homotopy method for computing fixed points on nonconvex sets | Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications | 2016.06 | SCI |
12 | 祝志川 | A homotopy algorithm for computing the fixed point of self-mapping with inequality and equality constraints | Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications | 2016.06 | SCI |
13 | 林秀梅 | 智能信息处理的多指标面板数据 聚类方法及其应用 |
数理统计与管理 | 2016.04 | CSSCI |
14 | 贾非 | 金融、实体经济与货币需求关联性的结构转变 | 当代经济研究 | 2016.03 | CSSCI |
15 | 祝志川 | 基于改进CRITIC的修正G2赋权方法及实证 | 统计与决策 | 2018.09 | CSSCI |
16 | 祝志川 | 基于熵值修正AHP赋权的综合评价模型与实证 | 统计与决策 | 2018.07 | CSSCI |
17 | 邓秉德 | 宏观流动性与银行流动性相依结构分析 | 统计与决策 | 2018.04 | CSSCI |
18 | 祝志川 | 基于PLSPM-GRA测度的区域“五化”协调发展研究 | 经济问题探索 | 2017.12 | CSSCI |
19 | 王永莲 | 经济景气指标与实际GDP增长率的混频预测 | 统计与决策 | 2017.11 | CSSCI |
20 | 祝志川 | 基于变异系数-G1法的混合交叉赋权方法 | 统计与决策 | 2017.06 | CSSCI |
21 | 张东敏 | 我国个人所得税征管效率测度及影响因素 | 中南财经政法大学学报 | 2017.05 | CSSCI |
22 | 贾博婷 |
基于熵值修正G2赋权的综合评价方法及实证 |
统计与决策 |
2019.4 |
23 | 王虎邦 |
居民杠杆、消费升级与经济平稳增长 |
现代经济探讨 |
2019.4 |
24 | 王士香 | 高质量投资的区域异质性:经验证据与政策建议 | 学习与 实践 | 2019.2 | CSSCI |
25 | 贾非 | 老龄化背景下储蓄率与经济增长关系研究——基于古典增长模型的分析 | 税务与经济 | 2018.10 | CSSCI扩展版 |
26 | 孙亚静 | 长春市城市综合承载力研究 | 税务与经济 | 2018.05 | CSSCI扩展版 |
27 | 马秀颖 | 吉林省有效税率 对经济增长影响的实证研究 |
税务与经济 | 2018.03 | CSSCI扩展版 |
28 | 贾非 | 城乡金融非均衡与城乡收入差距——以吉林省为例 | 税务与经济 | 2017.02 | CSSCI扩展版 |
29 | 马秀颖 | 吉林省农户贷款需求现状及特征分析 | 税务与经济 | 2016.05 | CSSCI扩展版 |
30 | 邢艳春 | 基于累积Logits转移模型的有序睡眠障碍数据的研究 | 数学的实践与认识 | 2016.08 | CSCD |
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